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Course Description

An Advanced Butcher will often take responsibility for a shop or function in a meat business
and will possess dexterous knife skills allied with all round knowledge of the
craft/processing environment. Butchers progressing to advanced roles in manufacturing
companies will often diversify into production management including roles with
responsibility for people and/or functions such as sales, quality control or training others.

Advanced butchers will have a comprehensive understanding of health and safety practice
that is matched with knowledge of food safety and hygiene systems at management level.
They will also possess a technical understanding about a range of meat species, provenance
supply chains and techniques (automated & craft) needed to process and/or produce
products in a lean manufacturing or retail environment.

Who is the course for?

Suited to those who have completed their Level 2 Butchery Apprenticeship and wish to step up to the next level. 

The advanced apprenticeship is designed to give the individual the tools to progress within their career and move up to management levels. 

How long does it take?

Typically 18 months to 2 years.

What qualifications will I get?

  • Level 3 Standards Advanced Apprenticeship in Butchery;

  • FDQ Level 3 Award in Food Safety;

  • FDQ Level 3 Award in Health & Safety;

  • FDQ Level 3 Award in HACCP

How is training delivered?

In order to develop and equip staff, learners will attend our Ipswich centre for at least 5-6 blocks of 3 days. 

They will also receive regular support phone calls and visits to the workplace. 

Are there any costs involved?

The apprenticeship is a Government funded course, however the employer will pay either a deposit or contribution fee, depending on the apprentice age.

  • £500 deposit if aged 16-21 which is refundable once completed;

  • £600 contribution which is about 5% of the training if aged 22+.

Are there Assessments?

There is an End-Point Assessment (EPA) conducted by FDQ. There are three parts to the EPA:

  • Knowledge test consisting of 30 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions;

  • Workplace Observation lasting for 2 hours, where the Independent Examiner observes and asks questions;

  • Interview which taskes place after the workplace observation and lasts 40 minutes. The Independent Examiner will read and review the apprentice's portfolio and ask 12 competence-based questions.

Benefits to the Learner

  • Earn while you learn and get paid a competitive salary;

  • Get high quality training paid for by your employer and the Government;

  • Following successful completion of the apprenticeship, apprentices are recognised by the Institute of Meat (IoM) entitling them to use the initials M.Inst.M;

  • Student discount card available.

Benefits to the Employer

  • A productive and effective way to upskill and future-proof an organisation;

  • Provide hands-on and practical experience to develop knowledge, skills and behaviours;

  • Achieve a real return of investment, grow talent and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce;

  • Government incentives to assist employers.

Role of the Employer

Apprenticeships are employer led, are the responsibility of the employer and have support from MEAT Ipswich. Employers provide:

  • Induction training;

  • Workplace learning activities, shadowing opportunities, coaching and mentoring;

  • Co-operate with the requirement of 20% off-the-job training hours.

Role of the Training Provider

MEAT Ipswich will provide:

  • Initial advice and guidance;

  • Help with identifying learning gaps;

  • Progress reviews and learner support;

  • Theory training;

  • Support in preparing the apprentice for their End Point Assessment.

Job Progression

A butchery apprenticeship can open many doors and create opportunities for you. There are hundreds of different jobs involved in the food business, preparing, processing and marketing the quality of food products demanded by today's consumers.

Career Opportunities:

  • Butchery supervisor / manager

  • Product Developer

  • Further Education -  Degree in Meat Science

  • Health & Safety / Food Safety Officer

  • Trainer and Assessor

  • Social media influencer

  • Brand ambassador

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